
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Here’s a little run down of what a week in Eswatini looks like. Our weeks start on Monday with an ATL day— Ask The Lord day. This is when we go into downtown Manzini to do our grocery shopping for the week and then ask the Lord who He wants us to talk to/pray for. For our shopping, I am one of six delegates who are in charge of creating a list of food items that we will need to make meals that will last us until the following Monday, all under a set budget. Once we get to the store, we separate into our three teams and pick out the items that are on our list. 

Tuesday- Friday are our days at the care points that we are assigned. There are 16 people in our entire squad and then we’re broken up into three teams from there. My team consists of 6 people and the other two teams have 5. When we were at training camp, we all gave our teams names and my team name is Pisteuo which means entrusted. During the week, we split off into our teams to go to different care points. These are also the teams that we break into for shopping and ATL days. 

On Saturday, we have a sabbath day where we just relax and spend the day at home. We are free to sleep as late as we want and do whatever, as long as we don’t leave the area that we’re staying at. We are split between three houses. Six girls stay in one house, six in the other, and then the boys have their own separate house as well. My house is called the Refuge house and it’s the prettiest mint green color. The land that we’re staying on is owned by a sweet family that lives in a different house on the land. 

Sundays are our adventure days. This means that we find out all the cool things there are to do in the area and plan out what we want to do. This is also the day that we are given two hours to have wifi to post our blogs, post on social media, and call our families. Last week and this week we chose to go to the local church and then go into town. The pastor spoke in English and then there was a translator who translated the message into Swati. It was so cool to be able to see how people in a different part of the world worship God. The next two weeks, we are going to be switching up what we’re doing and go on an adventure instead of going into town. We will either be going on a hike or going to markets to buy traditional skirts and different items from the African culture.

Our time here has been so sweet. Thank you, Jesus, for blessing me with this season of life.

I love my sweet little home in Eswatini.